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For long hair without the bomb .. Here's the recipe, the amazing natural...........
Woman out of every 5 women suffer from bombing the hair and hair loss dramatically, so that this problem faced by the majority of women, there is no solution terminates at its roots, so it's embarrassing problem, and deprive women from doing what they want Bchaaram especially that enjoy the length and intensity of Without Tgosaiv. So we came to you and the natural character and very very helpful, with no damage to contents as a natural and nutritious for poetry, and stunning results.
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons olive oil
How to prepare:
Mix all ingredients in a blender, and painted their hair. Leave for an hour, then wash the hair.
3 tablespoons honey
3 tablespoons olive oil
How to prepare:
Mix all ingredients in a blender, and painted their hair. Leave for an hour, then wash the hair.
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